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"Without music, life would be a blank to me." - Jane Austen

Heinrich Isaac

Many know Heinrich Isaac from his twee famous settings of Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen. Isaac is, however, author of an enormous body of works, with which he quickly grew to fame. Isaac was born in Flanders and received good education, despite the fact that he didn't pursue a career in the Church (which was unusual for a man of his stature). He was married, but probably has remained childless his whole life. Isaac's musical career developed remarkably well, with two of the most important employers of his age: after a position among the legendary House of Medici, he was appointed to be the main composer of the court of king Maximilian I.
Heinrich Isaac's influence is especially apparent in his masses. He wrote no less than 36 masses, many of which were based on traditional Gregorian chants. Besides that, in his monumental Choralis Constantinu he sought to compose masses for every sunday of the year, but unfortunately this project was never finished. Isaac also composed many motets and songs, which shows his versatility and his extraordinary productivity. 

Featured on

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Musica, Cur Siles?
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Luther's wedding day
Capella de la Torre
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Dutch Diversity
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Ich stuend an einem Morgen
Brisk Recorder Quartet, Marcel Beekman